Monday, April 24, 2006

Hail last night... that was my sign!!!

My sign that I've neglected my blog here. Ok, so it's really just set up to let people know what I've spent my time blogging on at But just the same!!!

It's the last Monday in April. So I'm finished with creating a new poetry prompt each Monday. I hope you'll have a little time to play Poetry Poker, to let an acrostic enhance your creativity, to find out if a letter can be a poem and to enjoy the creativity that can come from writing a Poetic “mistake” known as the lune (it’s an easier variation of the haiku). Finally, have you ever wanted to write how your mood is like a red, red rose?

I've also visited the driving range for the first time. Tomorrow I'll be swinging the clubs again, elsewhere.

Thanks for the read.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Herrrmm... can a letter be a poem?

I'm not talking about Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet (though, man... great book!). I'm talking about you-- yeah, you!-- writing a poem that you approach as a letter. Verse attending a masquerade, if you will.

I think it can be done. Why not?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Creativity abounds

Good news. I've reconnected with an old friend. He's known to some as DJ Ion. Check out his music here.

Creativity abounds in my blog, too. I've posted my first poetry prompt of the month. It comes thanks to two wonderful poetic resources-- one's a book, the other's my friend and poetic colleague, Steve Eggleston. See Let an acrostic enhance your creativity for the prompt and more.

Now go on and enjoy National Poetry Month-- you know you want to.

Thanks for the read.