Sunday, November 13, 2005

...But that doesn't make it right....

I dunno, fair readers.

I could do a lot of networking. For this blog. And I haven't. Yes, I've told friends about this spot, but really, there are the bloggists, the lurkers, and the unconverted.

I'd like more bloggists to make comments. You know-- people I don't know through a group or from school or work or suchlike already.

But there are thousands-- bazillions-- of blogs out there (LibrarianPirate, is there a Dewey Decimal System for online items!??).

Why should mine matter!??

.... In all fairness, it doesn't. There are a lot better things we could probably all be doing with our time.

I just know that there are excellent conversations about writing and poetry going on out there... maybe I am approaching this wrong. Long story short: I don't want to just SHARE and SHARE and SHARE and hear the crickets chirping. And I don't want this place just smoothered with compliments from friends I know.

Less ego, more learning and dialogue. I have to make more compelling entries, then, and draw readers. And posters.


At 11/13/2005 4:02 PM, Blogger librarian pirate said...

hmmm ... I think you would use the Dewey Decimal system as regular on the internet. Sights that have tried to organize the internet include (the librarians index to the internet), (the internet public library), and (the internet library for librarians). I'm not sure how good they are on blogs, though ...

At 11/13/2005 9:35 PM, Blogger Marcia said...

dude, the way to get readers to your blog is to comment on other people's blogs. 100%, that's the way to do it. Eventually it will promote itself. I promise.

And comment on blogs that you want your blog to be like. It's the best way to find readers that will like YOUR blog, too. Don't post on if you don't like crazy celebrity gossip/making fun of. Don't post on if you're not into shark blogging. Bur really, who ISN'T in to shark bloging?

At 11/15/2005 3:18 PM, Blogger Tabitha Dial said...

MMmm.... tasty sharks...


Guess who's been reading Calvin and Hobbes!??...



At 11/15/2005 3:34 PM, Blogger Tabitha Dial said...

Oh yes... and thank you, Marcia, for your insight...

That's really a lot of what I had planned to do, if... uhhh... not all of it...


At 11/25/2005 5:57 AM, Blogger Lazy Daisy said...

I liked your blog and the name is very creative. I'm now part of the Friends of the Friendless Marching Band and will visit you regularly. I was impressed with your writing skills and sensitivity. I look forward to reading a book of poems by you one day. Kathy

At 11/25/2005 9:56 AM, Blogger Tabitha Dial said...


Thank you so much!

You've made my day!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving (or, just a great day yesterday, in case you're not of U.S. persuasion!).

How wonderful that you came and said hello!

Can you give me more information about this FoFMB group?

Thank you!


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