Thursday, November 10, 2005

Look out, Emily Dickinson

Well yeeeehah....

I printed off all the poetry I've written that is worth looking at. Well, since about 20 months ago or something.

My friend Steve, from my regular poetry workshop (he suggested we come up with a unique name, like the Inklings.... I haven't come up with anything yet, but if anyone out there is just dying to give a creative name to a threesome of poets, please share! Fame awaits!) came up with the inspired idea of us each printing off our poetry to give to one another this Cmas.


.... Except.... my back hurt for about half an hour after I figured out what poems to print and which ones to keep hidden. No, it's not that there are SO MANY my back went out trying to lift them. It's just the repetitive motion.

Emily Dickson wrote 1707 poems (that's just a small withdrawal from my memory banks). I know I was over 1500 by the age of 20. Tonight I counted 137. A few are missing. But then, a few of those are really repeats... Poor naming of files habit I've got.

So... 1637. Only 170 left. And actually, I could have reached this benchmark and not known it. Now I want to move all my old, almost all untyped poetry from my parents to Denver.

Ah.... Denver...

Maybe I'll write about the early stages of looking into Denver apartments another time...


At 11/10/2005 9:15 PM, Blogger librarian pirate said...

I'm trying to think up a good name. Give me a few, and I'll be there! (:

At 11/10/2005 9:41 PM, Blogger Tabitha Dial said...

Rock on!!!.... I appreciate it, love.

Maybe the Do E. Decimals!??



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